
By Jennifer Hiranya Rose
What is spiritual healing and how does it work?

Spiritual healing is the process of liberating oneself from a time-bound state of consciousness through the transformation of ego-centric consciousness…Read More
What is the difference between duality and non-duality?

Duality is characterised by two. Non-duality is characterised by one. Duality is identified by the existence of separation & conflict.…Read More
Without ego, how does one act?

Without ego, one is childlike. Behaviour is natural, spontaneous, and free. Life is given freedom of expression without suppression or…Read More
Non-duality teaches us to be content with whatever is arising. But how can conflicting emotions – such as contentment and anger – be felt simultaneously?

Peace is not an emotion. Peace is fundamental and eternal. E-motions (energy in motion) are changeable and time-bound. Emotions come…Read More
I used to believe Christ was all & everything. Was I wrong?

“Christ” represents a level of consciousness that when embodied, naturally opens the door to self-realisation or God-consciousness. Religions and their…Read More
Is the biggest difference after awakening less suffering and less seeking?

When the awakening has been stabilised and integrated, there is no longer any suffering or seeking. Pain remains, however, resistance…Read More
How do I come to the spiritual realisation that the world is not real?

What you are describing is dissociation and it is a psychological distortion. Convincing yourself that the world is not real…Read More
Why is it hard for people to understand God?

There is a difference between understanding something and knowing it. Understanding is a skill of the mind. Knowing is a skill of…Read More
Is past trauma an impediment to spiritual awakening?

Past trauma is never an issue assuming it has been reconciled and integrated. If, however, there is historical trauma within…Read More
What is the spiritual ego?

The spiritual ego is an ego that has clothed itself in white to avoid looking at the unpalatable ‘shadow’ aspects…Read More
From a non-dual perspective, is the world considered real or unreal?

A non-dual perspective is one that is viewed from outside the time-bound plane of existence. A time-bound plane of existence…Read More
Is being present the same as being aware of awareness?

Being present is “One”. Being aware of awareness is “Two”. If you are aware of something, there is conflict in…Read More
Why does ‘Awareness’ receive such an exalted status among non-duality teachers?

Awareness is the only thing that you cannot move beyond. It is the pinnacle of spiritual development. It is the…Read More
How can I stop overthinking and ruining my relationships?

Overthinking is not the problem here. It is your reaction to thoughts that is the problem. “Thinking” in isolation is…Read More
I don’t want to go through a spiritual awakening. How can I prevent it?

What you are really asking is, “How can I avoid being a grown-up?” The simple answer is, you can’t. Evolution…Read More
What do people mean when they say that they’re spiritual?

It means they are being violent and creating conflict. In this context, conflict refers to the presence of more than…Read More
Does spiritual awakening engender arrogance?

The ego can turn anything to its own use, including spirituality. Without acknowledging your ‘shadow’ attributes and becoming wise as…Read More
Is it normal to become aimless after an enlightenment experience?

Ego loses its self-centric direction as Life awakens within and implants a whole-centric vision. Confusion and uncertainty are common in…Read More
Is spirituality the answer to an unstable mind?

Most spiritual traditions offer a precise system of knowledge that when followed returns one to the heart of all creation.…Read More
What is the real meaning of karma? Is karma actually misunderstood?

Karma is a simple universal law that describes how our reality is created. The law says, what you put out,…Read More
What makes Jennifer Hiranya Rose different? Why didn’t other people who went through intense suffering awake spontaneously like she did?

The doorway is always there. The only difference is, I walked through it. Suffering hounded me but I never surrendered…Read More
Is the uncompromising message that “no one is here” and “there is nothing to do” a form of spiritual bypassing?

It is only a form of bypassing if you don’t take the medicine. Accumulating spiritual teachings without ingesting them is…Read More
Spiritual awakening brings freedom from ego, but then how does one relate to others without an ego?

The journey of self-realisation involves the purification and transmutation of ego. Without the conditioned personality self getting in the way,…Read More
What is meant by the higher, middle and lower worlds?

Higher, middle and lower worlds stem from shamanic cosmology and describe three different states of consciousness. The middle world is your…Read More
Can ayahuasca cause a mental breakdown or psychosis?

In short, yes. I have personally and professionally witnessed this. However, it is not ayahuasca itself that causes a psychotic…Read More
How do I escape the self-awareness paradox?

Simply put, by killing the “witness” and burning the bridge. The self-awareness paradox arises when the witness or observer has…Read More
Can people really get lost in the spiritual world or is it our illusion?

It depends on your perspective… From a pathological perspective, “getting lost” in spiritual reality looks like a serious psychological condition…Read More
What is the effect of spiritual prayer?

Prayer is a spiritual technology that allows you to consciously create, change or amend your reality. It connects you with…Read More
What is the primary cause of the world’s problems?

There’s a great quote by the American environmental lawyer, Gus Speth. He said… “I used to think the top environmental…Read More
What is the difference between God consciousness and human consciousness?

Human consciousness is tethered to a limited time-bound plane of existence. God consciousness is untethered and unlimited. Human consciousness is…Read More
What is the impact of spiritual enlightenment on one’s relationships with others?

When you know there are no others, you treat everyone you meet as a mirror. When you know there is…Read More
How can I be more curious of another when in a relationship and less judgemental?

Judgement of others is always a reflection of what’s happening in our own consciousness. When we cast judgement what we…Read More
How do you recognise a spiritual healer?

A spiritual healer is a thief and an arsonist. They will offer you nothing and will take everything from you.…Read More
Why is it hard to find & connect with people who are transparent?

What you are really asking is how can I relate to others authentically. Authentic relating is transparent in the sense…Read More
How can spirituality fix my depression?

Your mistake here is in thinking that the “depression” is yours. It’s not yours and never was. “Depression” may be…Read More
How many lives does it take to reach enlightenment?

It takes one life and one realisation. The realisation is, nothing is as real as you think. It sounds simple.…Read More
Which meditation technique is safest for people with deep-rooted childhood trauma?

I don’t know enough about different meditation techniques to comment, however, what I do know about, is deep-rooted childhood trauma.…Read More
How do I return to a normal & grounded state after a kundalini awakening?

The activation of Kundalini signals the start of a spiritual healing process that aims to restore you to a balanced…Read More
How do I not get affected by people who judge me in public? I don’t want to fix myself to fit in.

The simple answer is, be more like Marmite. For those of you who don’t know Marmite, it’s a British food…Read More
What does it mean to die before you die and how can this help you in life?

Eckhart Tolle said, “Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to…Read More
What is one method or technique that if applied with enough frequency & intensity results in enlightenment?

Practice “not doing”. Seriously, that’s it. Bring awareness to what you’re doing without judgement and soon enough you’ll become Awareness…Read More
How do I overcome the desire to be enlightened?

The desire to be enlightened is much like the desire I experienced as a little girl wishing away my childhood,…Read More
Is sex a hindrance on a spiritual path?

There is an erroneous belief amongst spiritual circles that sexual abstinence is necessary for spiritual awakening. This is not true.…Read More
What did Albert Einstein mean when he wrote “Time is an illusion”?

A few weeks before Albert Einstein’s death he wrote a letter to the family of a recently deceased friend in…Read More
How do I fill my need to connect with people?

Full question: How do I fill my need to connect with people? I have friends and I’m in a relationship,…Read More
Does free will exist?

Yes, but only in Time. There is a difference between functional free will and essential free will. In the realm of Time (past &…Read More
What purpose does consciousness serve?

To establish the purpose of consciousness, we would first need to understand what consciousness is. This very question has mystified philosophers,…Read More
Why is spiritual enlightenment so elusive?

Yesterday, a client asked, “If you could give me one sentence that offers instant clarity, what would it be?” Rising…Read More
Does spiritual awakening happen to everyone?

Speaking from personal experience, this is exactly what I used to think… “Why me?” “Why have I been chosen to…Read More
How can I break out of the rut of doing the same things every day?

Change is the only constant in life. Paradoxical as that sounds, all of existence is in a constant state of…Read More
How do I practice non-attachment?

Practicing non-attachment is like asking “how do I stop holding this cup?”. The simple answer is, you put it down.…Read More
Life after spiritual awakening

My spiritual awakening was unexpected and preceded any interest I had in spirituality. Much like waking up from a bad…Read More
Does spiritual progress carry over from one life to the next?

QUESTION: If you spiritually awaken in this life and then reincarnate, does your spiritual progress carry over from one life…Read More
Is being ok with whatever arises, such as anger, ok?

QUESTION: Is being ok with whatever arises ok? For example, if anger arises and then goes, is that ok? Or…Read More
What was your last thought before you awakened?

“I’m dead.” That was precisely my last thought as what I later came to know as “Kundalini” spontaneously awoke and…Read More
What is the difference between psychosis and spiritual awakening?

Psychosis is what happens when the mind turns in on itself and breaks away from external reality. In a healthy…Read More
How might spirituality ease my suffering?

Suffering arises out of aversion to the present moment. Spirituality helps you surrender to the present and teaches you how…Read More
Why are we constantly living in the past or future, but never in the moment?

Living in the past and/or future is indicative that Time (past & future) has hijacked your ego and you remain…Read More
Is enlightenment achieved due to much suffering?

There is a mountain near my house that I love to climb. Reaching its peak and breathing in its 360-degree…Read More
What is the easiest and most direct path to experiencing one’s true self?

Despite what anyone tells you or attempts to sell you, there is only one answer to this question, and it…Read More
Why is grounding so necessary for spiritual work?

QUESTION: Why is grounding so necessary for spiritual work? Isn’t this a form of extra dependence, rather than a step…Read More
As a therapist, how do you know when a client is serious about ending their life?

Truthfully, I don’t know. What I do know, however, is that most clients have suicidal inclinations at one point or another, and…Read More
Why do I wake up anxious?

QUESTION: Why do I wake up anxious most mornings? I go to bed feeling calm, centred and balanced. What is…Read More
What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming enlightened?

Advantages: Freedom. Disadvantages: Freedom. What to do with all that freedom?! 😉
Can mindfulness heal depression and anxiety?

Mindfulness can’t heal depression and anxiety but it can help with understanding why, and more potently, how it manifests in your life…Read More
How can one walk a spiritual path and desire money at the same time?

Spirituality does not exclude money. On the contrary, money is beneficial to the functioning of our lives. What spirituality does…Read More
Can Kundalini Awakening Trigger Psychosis?

Yes, especially if Kundalini is activated prematurely, accidentally or without proper guidance. “Kundalini” is transformative life force energy. It is…Read More